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Don’t Replace It, Raise It

Concrete Raising & Leveling

Put an End to Trip Hazards.
Raise Your Existing Sunken Concrete to Even Joints.

Maryland, Virginia, & Washington DC’s Trusted #1 Choice for Over 28 Years!

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Our Services
How It Works


Fill & Level Sunken Concrete

Concrete Slab Jacking Inc. provides professional concrete raising services in all of Maryland, Northern Virginia, and Washington DC. We raise, lift, support & stabilize existing sunken concrete to restore it to its original elevation. We offer a 10-year warranty for walkways, driveways, sidewalks, steps, patios, porches, decks, and more. You’ll see immediate results. Our expert team can fix uneven, sunken concrete slabs to eliminate tripping hazards and fill voids. Concrete Slab Jacking Inc. offers an effective and affordable alternative to replacing the entire slab. Our commercial and residential services help you save over half of the replacement cost. We’ll handle your concrete lifting project and give you a free project evaluation.


Affordable, Family-Owned Service

Our company is family owned and operated and has been raising sunken concrete in the community for over 28 years. We are licensed and insured for your peace of mind. Our services lift your concrete to its original elevation while saving you time and money. We can fill and even sunken concrete joints and cracks to fix safety hazards and improve the appearance of your walkways and driveways. Our team can handle any concrete lifting project. We also work on basement, garage, and warehouse floors as well as outdoor concrete projects. Our service zone includes the following areas:

  • Anne Arundel County
  • Baltimore City & County
  • Calvert County
  • Charles County
  • Howard County
  • Montgomery County
  • Prince Georges County
  • Saint Marys County
  • Arlington County
  • Fairfax County
  • Loudon County

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Slab Leveling in Maryland

Why Choose Us

Our professional concrete raising services are faster and more affordable than replacing the entire slab. Concrete raising does not require any demolition, removal, or cement curing. Fewer hours and less manual labor mean we can offer cheaper service with equally quality results. Our concrete jacking can be completed in a single working day with professional-grade, high-density geotechnical expanding foam. Our team will eliminate tripping hazards and prevent further sinking and cracking. We offer a durable and cost-effective option for creating a safer walking friendly, made in the usa and HMI university combination logo



Concrete Driveway in Maryland

10-Year Warranty When We Raise Your

Concrete Pool Decks | Driveways | Sidewalks | Steps | Patios | Porches | Floors | Slab on Grade

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Save Up To

$300 OFF

$50 OFF $1,000
$150 OFF $2,000
$300 OFF $2,500



Concrete Jacking in Maryland

Concrete slab jacking logo
8414 Washington Boulevard
Jessup, MD 20794


Fax: 410-792-0853

[email protected]


Monday – Friday: 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM

MHIC# 51018
VA# 2705 049607